Kamis, 31 Mei 2012
Demi Lovato On Cosmopolitan
Juri X- Factor yang sensasional, Demi Lovato tampil sebagai cover majalah Cosmopolitan edisi Juli 2012, Demi tampil sexy dengan busana nge-jrenk.
On being diagnosed with bipolar disorder :
"I felt relieved when I found out. Like I’m not completely crazy;
there’s a medical reason for all of it.” She continues: “It’s a daily
thing; you don’t get time off from it. And if I feel
Zhang Zi Yi Simpanan Pejabat ?
Bintang film "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" dan "Memoirs Of Geisha" Zhang Ziyi sedang menghadapi masalah besar, saat ini ia tengah menjalani investigasi seputar skandal seksnya dengan mantan Menteri Perdagangan Cina, Bo Xilai.
Zhang dikabarkan dilarang ke luar negeri selama proses investigasi berlangsung. Pantas aja , Zhang menolak hadir di Festival Film Cannes minggu kemarin,
Foto Sexy Kim Kardashian Di Instagram
Si semok Kim Kardashian meng-upload foto sexy ber-bikini dan basaaahhh via Instagram, 4 pose yang digabung jadi satu. Kim dan banyak selebritis lain saat ini emank sedang tergila-gila memakai Instagram sebagai media up load foto yang kece.
Dan barusan ,Kim kembali ngasih satu lagi koleksi foto "panas" nya, foto ini dikasih sebagai kado dari Kim buat Followers di akun Instagram nya
Rihanna Naked On Esquire UK
Rihanna kembali tampil "Berani" dalam majalah Esquire terbitan UK untuk edisi terbaru, July Issue. Kali ini Rihanna ikut bersuara, tentang siapa pengganti J.Lo sebagai juri American Idol musim selanjutnya. RiRi pun menyebut nama Cheryl Cole sebagai nama yang pantas menggantikan J.Lo.
"Ooh! Cheryl Cole is…hot. I would just like to watch her work. Preferably cleaning things on the
Lovelly Actress On Cover Magz
2 Aktris Hollywood, Claire Danes dan Blake Lively tampil sebagai cover di dua majalah berbeda.
Blake Lively On Bullet Magazine : Summer 2012 Issue
On being excited for 'Gossip Girl' to end :
"I think the best way to describe it is like someone who really enjoyed
high school, and is like, I’m a senior and I can’t wait for the next
On being slow to build
Indonesian Movie Awards 2012 : Winner !
Ajang Indonesian Movie Awards 2012 sukses digelar hari Rabu 30/5 kemarin, tahun ini untuk ke-6 kalinya penghargaan ini diberikan untuk menghargai karya anak bangsa dan ada 45 judul film Indonesia yang bersaing menjadi yang terbaik.
Berikut nama-nama pemenang yang memperoleh penghargaan Indonesian Movie Award 2012, yang siaran langsung di RCTI dari Tennis Indoor Senayan.
Honey Moon Ala Mark Zuckerberg
Konglomerat muda yang baru menikahi kekasihnya, Mark Zuckerberg, menghabiskan waktu bulan madunya bersama sang istri Priscillla Chan di Roma, Italia pada tanggal 28-29 Mei lalu.
Pasangan yang menikah setelah 9 tahun berpacaran ini terlihat mesra di Amalfi Coast, Italia. Dan ga ada liburan yang super mewah atau hal-hal Luks lainnya, yang ada hanya Honey Moon sederhana,
Glamour Women Of The Year 2012 : Winner
Glamour Women of the Year Awards 2012 kembali digelar di Berkeley Square Gardens, London, hari Selasa 29/5.
Dan inilah hasilnya, perempuan terhebat versi Glamour magazine tahun 2012 ini :
Solo Artist Of The Year : Jessie J
Theatre Actress Of The Year : Amanda Holden
Presenter Of The Year : Holly Willoughby
Sportswoman Of The Year : Hayley Turner
Comedy Actress Of The Year : Sofia
Rabu, 30 Mei 2012
Paris Hilton JOMBLO Lagi !!
Hubungan 6 bulan Paris Hilton dengan Dj Afrojack, akhirnya berakhir, Paris dikabarkan udah "ditinggal" sang Dj yang ternyata blom siap untuk menjalin hubungan kearah yang lebih serius. padahal Paris yang udah berusia 31 tahun, udah sangat nyaman dengan dj yang bernama asli Nick Van De Wall tersebut. Namun sayang ,sang pacar blom siap untuk ber-komitmen lebih jauh.
Tapi pihak Paris atau dj
Katy Perry No Make Up !
Katy Perry emank udah aslinya cantik, tanpa Make Up tetap aja terlihat cantik, seperti dalam Trailer Filmnya "Part Of Me", Katy terlihat tanpa Make Up.
Ingat dulu, Katy pernah ngamuk,saat mantan suaminya, Russel Brand pernah meng-upload fotonya tanpa Make Up lagi tidur, tapi sekarang Katy udah pede untuk tampil dengan muka polos tanpa poles.
Baca Juga :
Katy Perry Tanpa
Jay Z & Kanye West : No Church In The Wild
Duo Rapper Milyuner, Jay Z dan Kanye West kembali tampil dalam single ketiga Kolaborasi mereka dalam album "Watch The Throne", kali ini video klip "No Church In The Wild" yang dirilis.
Menampilkan kedua ikon musik Rap ini dalam video ber-durasi 5:04 menit, Video ini di sutradarai Romain Gavras dan mengambil lokasi Di Praha, menyajikan adegan kerusuhan masyarakat dengan pemerintah
Victoria Beckham : Interview Magz
Istri David Beckhan yang Fashionable, Victoria Beckham tampil sebagai cover majalah Interview terbitan Jerman untuk edisi terbaru, Juli 2012.
Ibu 4 anak ini mengungkapkan, dia hanya manusia biasa,
"I'm Not A Miserable, Nor The Best Singer" Ujarnya.
On not being a miserable person :
"Yes, I created this persona and I'm very different from that. I don't feel like I have to
Queen Jessie J On Grazia
Popstar Jessie J tampil bak seorang ratu dalam cover majalah Grazia edisi spesial Jubilee Collector Issue.
Dengan memakai Atribut seorang Ratu, Jessie emang udah pantas disebut Ratunya musik Pop Inggris.
"When I got the letter asking me to perform, I felt really proud. It’s a
proper letter from the Queen’s secretary. I’m keeping it in a memory
book. It’s written on this lovely
Shock Absorber Sports Bra Top Review
In case you’ve wondered why posts have been a bit thinner on the ground lately, it’s because I’ve just moved from the UK back to the US. I’m home for two weeks, in which time I have to go through all the boxes of my old clothes and papers from high school to sort everything and get rid of everything I don’t need anymore. I’ve also been seeing old friends and generally going a million miles an hour. But I’m hoping that after this week, posts should pick up the pace and I’ll hopefully get back to posting around twice a week. So thank you for your patience.
As promised in my last post, here is my review of the sports bra I found that works really well for me. You may remember that I found the Panache Sports bra didn’t work for me in a 30H because I needed a 28 band to match my underbust measurement. But I had heard that Shock Absorbers run really tight, so I decided to try a 30H again. These bras are commonly available on eBay and usually at very low prices and in loads of colors. Just make sure you know which you’re getting--I am still a bit confused as to which Shock Absorber is which. There are sometimes references to "Level 4" or "Max Support". The one I have usually seems to be referred to as the "Max Support" bra, but in many of the eBay listings it was also referred to as the Sports Bra Top, and looks like this in photos:
I like the term Sports Bra Top to refer to this version because it looks more like a top than the other version, which looks more like a bra. That one has more formed cups, and looks like this:
When I got my Shock Absorber I immediately knew it was going to be a success. The support was really top-notch. This bra relies on compression (basically smashing your boobs to your body) rather than encapsulation (holding your boobs tightly in a boob-shaped structure) and I’ve found I really prefer compression, so I’m happy with the Shock Absorber compared to the Panache encapsulation bra.
Here is the bra on its own:
You can see that I have some side-boob where I spill out from the bra. But, because the Shock Absorber spots top is wire-free, I had always planned to wear it with a balconette bra. I just really prefer an underwear to separate my boobs so they aren’t touching in the middle. Here it is with a Panache Harmony Balconette underneath.
With the balconette underneath, the Shock Absorber is stellar and amazing! I have absolutely no motion whatsoever when I run. It is the same level of amazing support that I get in the Title Nine Frog Bra I used to wear. I could definitely run in this Shock Absorber and feel very comfortable. I wore it for an intense horseback riding lesson this morning and the support was perfect and I didn't have any bouncing at all--quite a feat when you're cantering!
The Shock Absorber is much tighter in the band than the Panache. The 30 fit me perfectly. I needed a 28 in the Panache, but I definitely wouldn’t have been able to fasten a 28 in the Shock Absorber. Even with the 30, it is pretty hard to do up. It fastens with two sets of two hooks in back with a circle in between, like this:
I found the easiest way to do it up is to first fasten the bottom hooks, then push the straps closer to my neck and do up the top set of hooks. And, importantly, it is really easy to take off. I don’t mind struggling to do up a sports bra, but I HATE struggling to take it off when I’m all sweaty after exercise, which is why I wanted to upgrade from the Frog Bra, which has to go off over your head. Undoing the hooks after exercise is super easy and a big relief compared to wrestling something off over my head.
I would highly recommend the Shock Absorber sports top, especially with a wired bra underneath. The support is better than anything else I’ve tried on, and best of all, it is available at great prices on eBay. For me, having something that works and is accessible at low prices is really the push I need to exercise more. So if you’re hoping for a similar push, give this bra a shot!
Kristen & Charlize : Interview Magz
Dua aktris pemeran "Snow White & The Huntsman", Kristen Stewart dan Charlize Theron tampil di majalah Interview edisi Juni / Juli.
On her lead role as Snow White :
“The tricky thing is that you can’t have Snow White’s effect on people. I
can’t have this supernatural light that sort of instantly affects those
around me. There were things that I needed to believe, even though
Exclusive Foto Bayi Jessica Simpson
Majalah People akhirnya me-rilis foto exclusive bayi Jessica Simpson yang udah dibeli majalah tersebut seharga Rp 7,3 Milyar beberapa waktu lalu. Jessica dan bayinya Maxwell Drew tampil sebagai cover depan majalah People edisi terbaru.
"life has completely changed, From how I sleep to what I think about, Maxwell has definitely taken
over everything!" Ujar Jessica
Baca Juga :
Blue Wallpapers
The Best Top Desktop Blue Wallpapers in all kind of resolutions and
sizes. For your computer or laptop with XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Mac OS.
High resolution Blue backgrounds, widescreen, 4:3, 16:9 and HD
More wallpapers of this category...
sizes. For your computer or laptop with XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Mac OS.
High resolution Blue backgrounds, widescreen, 4:3, 16:9 and HD
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Blue desktop hd wallpaper with the text summer swimming in the blue sea with fish |
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Nice blue computer background with mountains, sun and many men with bowler hats |
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Great blue picture with a transparent ice cub with a red love heart locked in it |
More wallpapers of this category...
Selasa, 29 Mei 2012
Glamour Women Of The Year 2012 : Red Carpet !
Glamour Women of the Year Awards 2012 kembali digelar di Berkeley Square Gardens, London, hari Selasa 29/5.
Yang paling ditunggu-tunggu adalah penampilan para selebritas di Red Carpetnya, beberapa yang hadir di acara tersebut antara lain ada Eva Longoria, Sofia Vergara, Jesie J, dll.
Cekidot :
Eva Longoria
Jessica Alba
Jessie J
Kelly Brook
Kylie Minogue
Gaun Spektakuler Diane Kruger
Aktris asal Jerman, Diane Kruger tampil spektakuler diajang Cannes, Prancis dengan memakai gaun besar karya Christian Dior yang Iconic.
Kekasih Joshua Jackson ini selalu tampil mempesona di Festival Cannes tahun 2012 ini.
Dan ini 10 Busana Spektakuler lainnya di Festival Cannes, Prancis yang digelar dari tanggal 16 - 27 Mei 2012 lalu :
Eva Longoria
Kate Upton
Sarah M : Kolektor 5000 Foto Artis
Sarah M atau biasa disebut Stalker Sarah, seorang remaja berusia 16 tahun yang memiliki koleksi foto bareng artis sebanyk kurang lebih 5 ribuan foto bareng Selebritis-selebritis kelas A, mulai dari Brad Pitt sampai Justin Bieber.
One Direction
Chris Brown
Kesempatan bisa berada di Backstage bersama para Public Figure, dimanfaatkan Sarah untuk ber-foto bersama selebritis
Adam Levine : The New King Of Pop !
Karier cemerlang Adam Levine dalam beberapa tahun belakangan, baik sebagai Frontman Maroon 5, sebagai Juri Talent Show, The Voice, dan sebagai Produser rekaman, membuat namanya disebut-sebut akan menjadi "The New King Of Pop".
Walo sebutan ini baru di gagas majalah Details
yang menjadikannya sebagai cover bulan Juni/Juli ini, namun mungkin aja
julukan ini akan resmi jadi milik
1.000.000 Fans - Thank You
Just a day after we've hit 1million fans on Facebook we got a small surprise delivered.
Preparing so much for the Blog as it's time we seriously dedicate ourselves to it as much as we do to page and sorry for not posting frequently lately.
Thank you all for making our dream come true. We promise to work hard to be even better!
Lots of LOVE,
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Fall For Neon Fashion
You know and all probably wear neon by now. These bold colors cleverly used will make a statement and more importantly will make you feel positive.
Here are our tips & favs of this Spring.
Step #1
If you are one of those girls who are not so used to wearing such strong colors you can try with a single detail - nailpolish or statement jewelry/small accessory as belt are a good start when experimenting neon for the first time.
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Make and Design your jewelry with Soufeel
Having Arm Party trend so popular this season, everyone's trying to decorate hand wrists in unique way.
We are huge fans of DIY but if you are not expert for making things on your own (like we) or don't have a place to buy material you need a help out :)
Recently we've discovered Love Beads and wanted to share with you how we made our bracelets. It's like "Do It Yoursef" with a bit of magic :))
You can create something like this very easily :
Read more »
Senin, 28 Mei 2012
Delta Goodrem : Vogue Australia
Penyanyi cantik asal Australia, Delta Goodrem tampil sebagai cover majalah Vogue terbitan kampung halamannya.
Dalam wawancaranya, Delta menyatakan dia pernah merasa tidak bahagia saat
dulu menjalin hubungan dengan mantan personil Westlife, Brian
On her personal rebirth :
"I feel like it's a totally different chapter; I feel like I'm back to being me again."
Body Sixpacks Craig David
Lama ga ada kabarnya, Craig David tampil di depan publik hari Senin sore 27/5 lalu.Craig terlihat lagi berlatih di Miami Beach, Florida.
"That's why I #EatCleanTrainDirty to get results all round!" Tulis penyanyi "What's Your Flava" ini diakun Facebooknya.
Nicole Scherzy Sexiest Looks In Monaco
Nicole Scherzinger tampil super sexy saat hadir menemani sang pacar, Lewis Hamilton di Grand Prix Monaco.
Hadir dengan naik Yacht mewah, Nicole menjadi pusat perhatian dengan penampilan sexy nya memakai baju Jumpsuit putih "bolong punggung" dan pake topi lebar ala Sophia Loren jaman dulu.
Hot !!
Kaos Sobek Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart kalo didepan kamera selalu terlihat sebagai sosok gadis manis yang sangat Girly, namun di dunia nyata ternyat K-Stew adalah seorang cewek yang tomboy, dia lebih suka bergaya sederhana apabila beraktivitas sehari-hari, Jeans Belel, T-Shirt, dan sepatu Kets adalah yang paling disuka pacar Robert Pattinson ini.
Dia akan lebih terlihat nyaman dan jadi dirinya sendiri
Aksi Dian Sastro Di Red Carpet Festival Cannes
Dian Sastro yang hadir sebagai perwakilan Indonesia di ajang Festival Film Cannes di Palais des Festivals, Cannes, Prancis, tampil ga kalah cantik dan Glamour dibanding selebritis papan atas Hollywood lainnya. Dian berjalan dengan pede di Red Carpet disaat Premiere Film "Mud" yang dibintangi Matthew Mc.Conaughey, Reese Whiterspoon, dll.
Dengan memakai gaun rancangan Eddy
Tilda Swinton Sweet On Candy Magz
Aktris berwajah unik, Tilda Swinton, tampil di majalah Candy edisi terbaru. Tilda terlihat beda dengan rambut panjang, biasanya rambutnya selalu pendek dan bergaya ga terlalu Girly.
Edisi ini diberi nama "The Transformer Tilda Swinton ; The Extra Extravaganza Issue"
Majalah Candy ini adala majalah Transexual pertama didunia, yang beberapa waktu juga menampilkan
Janet Jackson Larang Ponakan Jadi Artis !
Putri cantik mendiang Michael Jackson, Paris Jackson yang baru berusia 14 tahun, ber-ambisi untuk terjun ke dunai Entertainment dalam waktu dekat ini, dikabarkan, Paris udah dapet kontrak untuk bermain dalam sebuah film.
Tapi, sang tante, Janet Jackson ga setuju dengan keputusan ponakannya tersebut, Janet berpesan agar Paris menikmati dulu masa remajanya, mengingat dulu Janet,
Justin Bieber NGAMUKK !!
Justin Bieber yang selama ini selalu terlihat manis dan ramah sama media, kali ini hilang kesabaran sama seorang Paparazzi yang terus menguntit saat Bieber dan Selena lagi menikmati waktu berdua, abis nonton di Calabasas, California, kemarin.
Kejadian tersebut dilaporkan sang Paparazzi ke pihak kepolisian Los Angeles yang akhirnya memanggil Bieber untuk mendapatkan keterangan
Beyonce : "Beratku Turun 30 Kg"
Beyonce kembali kedunia nya sebagai seorang Diva, weekend kemarin, Bey tampil memukau selama 2 malam di konser Comeback nya di Opening Casino di Atlanta City. Fisiknya udah kembali sexy.
"Beratku udah turun sebanyak 30 kg" Ujar ibu Blue Ivy Carter ini.
Secara fisik pun Bey telah sukses melakukan Diet
ketat, demi karier dan pekerjaan yang udah menunggu, dalam lima bulan,
Bey udah
Foto Sexy Paris Hilton Menuai Kritik !
Paris Hilton melakukan Photo Session sexy di Hotel Majestic Bariere, di Cannes prancis. Bermaksud menirukan gaya legenda Brigitte Bardot, Paris terlihat nakal dengan gaun seksi, sepatu Louboutin dan kaca mata hitam andalannya, yang mejadi polemik adalah Tweet Paris di Twitternya yang salah ngeja nama sang legenda Prancis Brigitte Bardot.
"About to do an iconic photo shoot
Minggu, 27 Mei 2012
David Beckham Cover Boy ELLE Magz
Superstar, David Beckham tampil sexy sebagai cover majalah fashion Elle terbitan UK edisi Juni, dua foto yang di-rilis menampilkan Beckham di cover utama tampak Close Up dan satu lagi pake celana kulit item dan Shirtles. Pwiewwww.....
Untuk pertama kalinya sepanjang sejarah majalah fashion ini memasang pria sebagai cover utamanya, karena menurut ELLE, Beckham adalah seorang sosok
Romwe & FIMD Backless dress + special present Giveaway
Romwe has prepared another surprise for one of our readers. We are sure by now you all know Romwe and all the great stuff they have, worn by so many bloggers around the world.
Lucky winner will get
How to enter the giveaway?
1. Sign up on Romwe (It's absolutely free, takes 2 minutes and you get 20% coupon without obligation to buy)
2. Share link of Romwe FB page on your wall
3. Follow Fashion Is My Drug Blog HERE
4. Leave a comment on our blog with the same e-mail address you were using when signing up on Romwe, so we can contact you if you win.
The giveaway ends on 6th June. We will pick one winner using a random generator.
Beside backless dress you can
Peserta Eurovision 2012 Jadi Ejekan Di Twitter
Salah satu peserta Eurovison Song Contest 2012, Rona Nishliu yang berasal dari Albania, menjadi bahan cemoohan di Twitter saat tampil di Semi final Eurovision yang diadain di Baku, Azerbaijan.
Rona tampil dengan kostum ala Vampir, dan menyanyikan lagu "Suus" yang bernada Gothic,lagu ini emank bercerita tentang kisah nyata kecelakaan maut yang merenggut nyawa seseorang, namun yang di
Sexy Ladies On Magz Cover
2 aktris cantik hadir sebagai cover di dua majalah dunia, Leighton Meester dan Dianne Kruger. (Luv 'em Both)
Dianne Kruger On Amica Magz June
On playing Marie Antoinette:
"When I was brought onto the film, I thought I had nothing in common
with Marie Antoinette. Then I began to discover strange coincidences
that bound me to her and the film. Meanwhile, I was born on July 15.
Gaun Sapu Lantai Di Cannes 2012
Dalam ajang Festival Film Cannes, sudah menjadi kewajiban untuk para selebirtas untuk tampil menggunkan gaun, namun yang menjadi ciri khas Festival Film tahunan ini adalah gaun-gaun yang berbuntut panjang, menyapu lantai, yang membuat penampilan selebritis-selebritis ini terlihat lebih High Class.
Tahun ini gaun Eva Longoria, Cheryl Cole, Naomi Watts, dll dinilai yang terunik
Brad Pitt Tetap Yang Ter-KECE !
Usianya yang udah 48 tahun ga bikin pesona seorang Brad Pitt memudar, Brad masih tetap disebut Most Hollywood Stunning Men, alias aktor Holywood yang paling kece.
Saat tampil di Cannes beberapa hari lalu mem-promosikan film "Killing Them Softly", ayah 6 anak ini tampil dengan pen ampilan maksimal di dua kesempatan, sedikit agak santai dihari pertama dan tampil formal dihari
Lady GaGa baru aja nge-tweet permintaan maafnya kepada Lil Monster di Indonesia atas pembatalan konsernya. Diakun Twitter, GaGa baru aja nge-tweet 2 kalimat dengan Hastag "#GagaSendsLoveToJakarta" yang langsung jadi Trending Topic malam ini :
"I will try to put together something special for you. My love for Indonesia has only grown. #GagaSendsLoveToJakarta and all its people."
Loristella & FIMD Giveaway
Famous Italian brand Loristella will surprise 2 lucky winners with amazing bags.
With recognizable print their designs go from classy chic to ultra-modern offering variety of bags, accessories and clothing items. You can find all gorgeous stuff in their shop HERE available for international shipping.
All you have to do to get a chance of winning one of these 2 bags is :
1. Like Loristella on Facebook HERE
2. Follow FIMD Blog HERE
3. Leave a comment with your name and email address
So easy to get trendy & high quality bag.
Good luck everyone!
2 Winners will get 1 of these bags each .
Giveaway ends on Friday 1st June & winners will be selected with Random Generator!
Green Wallpapers (part 2)
The Best Top Desktop Green Wallpapers in all kind of resolutions and
sizes. For your computer or laptop with XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Mac OS.
High resolution Green backgrounds, widescreen, 4:3, 16:9 and HD
wallpapers. Many pictures in the color green.
More wallpapers of this category...
sizes. For your computer or laptop with XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Mac OS.
High resolution Green backgrounds, widescreen, 4:3, 16:9 and HD
wallpapers. Many pictures in the color green.
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Nice green abstract desktop hd wallpaper |
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Beautiful green pc background with a black edge |
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Wallpaper with green and white diagonal stripes and the Apple logo in the middle |
More wallpapers of this category...
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